September 2022
Welcome to the September issue of IH2: All Hands Dispatch!
How can we even begin to thank you for the amazing impact you are having in our community? The SummerFest program was truly an amazing success. More than 700 individuals attended this back-to-school celebration. As part of that effort, your generosity outfitted and provided shoes for more than 400 elementary school students in Butler. In all, you enabled the purchase of 750+ pairs of brand new athletic shoes, the distribution of more than 9,000 articles of clothing as well as 3000 backpacks and other accessories, and the provision of more than 350 school supply boxes and 150 meal boxes for the start of the school year. There were 84 of you that volunteered accounting for more than 400 hours! God has abundantly blessed us. We are so very grateful for you.
I’d like to say, that’s it! Problems solved.
Sadly, it’s only a drop in the bucket, so we have to keep going, keep helping, keep running the race, and we cannot do it without you. Our Annual Fundraiser launched this past Monday. Details are below. This fundraiser is absolutely crucial to keeping our program growing and operating efficiently. Our goal is to raise $25,000. There are many individual and corporate opportunities to win fantastic experiences and prizes while helping us reach our goal.
Running a charity is not for the faint of heart. It means constantly reaching out and relying on others to make programs happen. Thank God for you and your willingness to continually help. As I sit here, I am choked up with gratitude that I am not sure how to adequately express. You are the only way that this keeps growing. You are the only reason more and more children are receiving the help they need to satisfy the many of the basic requirements of dignified living…food, clothing, support and most importantly, love!
So, as I thank you for your amazing support, I come to you humbly asking that you please stick with us. We need your help with this fundraiser, and shortly, we will need your support for Thanksgiving and Christmas. We’ve expanded space, invested in equipment, and are looking to help an additional 200 elementary students and their families. I pray that I am not exhausting you with our call for help. If you can help, great! If you can’t and need to sit this out, we understand. This is a marathon and not a sprint. Food insecurity and dignified living challenges brought on by poverty are long-term issues for which we need continual support and diligence.
As always, thank you with all of my heart for your continued support, prayers, encouragement, and generosity. I know I’ve said it before, but we are doing so many amazing things in our community because of YOU. God has big plans for us, and we are blessed to have each and every one of you as partners in this amazing journey.
Thank you with all of my heart and then a whole lot more,
Executive Director
Inspired Hearts and Hands Inc.
IH2 Needs Y – O – U!
Hearts give Hope Holiday Campaign
In October, we will be kicking off our Holiday campaigns beginning with our food drive followed by our Angel Tree effort. This season, we expect to distribute 950+ holiday food boxes and provide more than 750 individuals with a gift for Christmas. This is a substantial increase over 2021, and we will absolutely need your help.
More information will be released in October, including how to donate and/or adopt an angel tree tag. For now, here are a few ways that you can help.
Sign-up to Host a Food or ALDI Gift Card Drive
It’s easy! We’ll customize a flyer for you. All you need to do is send out to your neighborhood or group, arrange a drop off point, follow-up with reminders, and make arrangements for drop off of your collections to our facility in Gibsonia.
Sign-up to Volunteer
While we are continually updating our volunteer needs, a good many of our volunteer needs have been scheduled, so go ahead and signup.
Sign-up to Host an Angel Tree
We are looking for corporate groups willing to host angel tree tags. If you are interested, please email info@inspiredheartsandhands.com or call 412.897.4034.